Gunite Solutions: Sewage Treatment works refurbishment scheme
Sewage Treatment works refurbishment scheme
Gunite Solutions were contracted to carry out a full refurbishment of a waste water treatment inlet works which had been damaged by hydrogen sulphide (H2S) gas attack.
The works scope comprised of survey, HydroDemolition of defective concrete, replacement of reinforcing, installation of formworks and Gunite sprayed concrete reinstatement of all concrete removed, plus some alterations to wall heights and shapes. All works were done using our in- house teams and specialist plant. All staff engaged in the works were SCA accredited and the nozzleman certified to SCA and NVQ 3 standards.
Stringent testing was carried out on site by means of regular test panels being shot and tested, as well as testing of completed works. All tests passed quality checks in line with the specification and engineers approval.
30m3 of concrete was removed, 4 tons of reinforcing replaced and 75 tons of sprayed concrete installed over 3 phases lasting 6 months. Additional sprayed concrete was installed in some tanks to create benching/dished shapes in the bottoms of the tanks to prevent silt build up totalling 80 tons and specialist coatings applied to the finished works.
All repairs were finished to a high class steel floated finish with final coatings brushed on to provide protection from the H2S Gas in line with the material manufacturers specification.
Works were completed in conjunction with Concrete Repairs Ltd.